Get dream body in kust 30 days! In the app we have collected the most effective and time-tested workouts for all muscle groups and combined them into 4 training programs.
Virtual instructor will accompany you throughout the home workout, show and tell how to properly and effectively perform each exercise so that each home workout will maximize your results from classes and work out all the muscle groups.
All programs vary in level of difficulty, and you can freely choose the workout, as well as create your own 46 types of exercises, set the duration, the time of preparation and rest.
Application Features:
> 46 different exercises for body stretch of different levels of complexity to get super home workout,,
> Each plank exercise contains detailed instructions and videos of the implementation,
> 4 training programs are provided and prepared for stretch workout for every day, you can also create your own workouts, set the level of difficulty and length,
> We created a special motivation system that will keep track of your results in stretching and motivate to achieve more and more.</br></br></br></br>